Andrés Blanchard Perez
I belong to the 4th generation of a family with a long tradition in the wine industry. Tradition that started with my great grandfather, Nicolas Perez Ugarte, a Spanish immigrant who started working in the winemaking team for one of the oldest wineries in Mendoza during the 1930’s. Then, my grandfather Florentino Perez Perez, continued with this passion for wine planting the first family vineyard in San Martin district of Mendoza during the 1960’s…

Javier Catena Pedro
My great grandfather was born in the little town of Tolentino in Italy. He sailed from Italy to Argentina in 1898. He was convinced he wanted to pursue his winemaking dreams in Argentina, and shortly after his arrival he planted his first Malbec vineyard. My grandfather carried on this father’s dream bulding one of the biggest wineries in Argentina…